
The scale is not your friend

Do you weigh yourself multiple times per week? Perhaps you have more than one scale in the house? Do you own a set of "fat clothes" that you used to wear or "skinny clothes" you hope to get back into? Red alert! While we often think these things are helpful, they are just some of the ways [...]

The scale is not your friend2023-04-19T00:36:34+00:00

Lessons from a flat tire

A few days ago I got a flat tire, just as I was getting on the freeway. Luckily I had roadside assistance, so within 30 minutes I had my spare tire on and was on my way. But there was a problem. It was 5pm on Saturday and all tire places were closed until Monday. [...]

Lessons from a flat tire2023-04-19T00:36:17+00:00

Is your bathroom adding to your stress level?

Bathroom stress Did you know that even your bathroom can be a source of stress? It’s true. The toxins in your bathroom put stress on your body, which can then affect how you sleep, how you think and even your productivity. There are 5 C's to a toxic bathroom. How many are in yours? 1) Chlorine: [...]

Is your bathroom adding to your stress level?2023-04-21T23:37:19+00:00

Expect the unexpected

Just when you think you are prepared – with all the ducks in a row – life throws you a curveball. We may not realize it (or appreciate it) at the time, but it’s precisely this unpredictability that makes life exciting. Can you image if everything turned out exactly as you planned, every time? You’d [...]

Expect the unexpected2023-04-19T00:33:14+00:00
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