
About karink

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So far karink has created 22 blog entries.

Happiness is not what we think

Did you know that the United States ranks # 16 in the world for happiness? Canada, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Ireland, Iceland, Finland and Switzerland are all happier. As the richest country in the world, the U.S. also lags in health care, education and leisure time, leading some to question the American dream as [...]

Happiness is not what we think2023-04-19T00:42:43+00:00

Books for a long-distance walk

What makes an ideal book for a long-distance walk? The ideal book for a long-distance walk is paperback, lightweight and worthy of reading more than once. Here’s why: Paperback E-books are great, but they are not as convenient as they might seem. You’re at the mercy of your phone and it’s ever-diminishing battery, which is [...]

Books for a long-distance walk2023-04-21T23:32:46+00:00

Let your inner kindness out

Kindness, compassion and sharing are part of our human nature. We are hardwired for it. Unfortunately, our subconscious programming and cultural conditioning often override this natural tendency. How then, do we bring our natural kindness to the surface? By engaging in deliberate acts of kindness.   Deliberate acts of kindness are different from random ones [...]

Let your inner kindness out2023-04-21T23:34:20+00:00

Global regeneration with trees

Trees play an important role in the brighter world we are creating now. They are more than the lungs of the Earth and storage vessels for carbon dioxide. They hold several keys to the fate of humanity, chief among them, ancient wisdom and powerful healing properties. How do we bring about global regeneration through trees? [...]

Global regeneration with trees2023-04-19T00:41:52+00:00

The Power of One

What if one person can really change the world? You may not believe it, but what if you did? We all have an innate desire to make a positive difference, to have our children and grandchildren inherit a beautiful world full of possibility. Yet in the midst of these challenging times, where economic, government, education [...]

The Power of One2023-04-21T23:35:16+00:00

Sonríe de todas formas

No me interesa lo que digan. ¿Esta “nueva normalidad” de la que todos hablan? Quizá sea nueva, pero, definitivamente, no es normal. Sientas lo que sientas acerca de las mascarillas, algo es seguro. Cubren más que solo nuestra nariz y nuestra boca. Si bien tal vez sirvan para frenar la propagación de los gérmenes, cubrir [...]

Sonríe de todas formas2023-04-22T03:19:44+00:00

Smile anyway

I don’t care what anyone says. This “new normal” everyone is talking about? It may be new, but it is definitely not normal. However you feel about face masks, one thing is certain. They are covering up more than just our nose and mouth. While they might be beneficial for slowing the spread of germs, [...]

Smile anyway2023-04-19T00:41:02+00:00

La libertad del menos

Recorrer el Camino de Santiago es una oportunidad única de crecer con menos. Menos responsabilidad, menos distracción, menos tecnología, menos cosas. La vida se vuelve simple. Nos levantamos, ponemos un pie delante del otro, lavamos nuestro cuerpo y nuestra ropa, comemos, dormimos y lo hacemos de nuevo. Lo cierto es que, estés o no en [...]

La libertad del menos2023-04-19T00:40:43+00:00

The freedom in less

We feel better when we declutter. We know the benefits of downsizing. We may even embrace phrases like “less is more.” But if you’ve grown up with “the more the better” cultural programming like I did, even the idea of less still carries an energy of deprivation, loss or sacrifice. The truth is, there is [...]

The freedom in less2023-04-19T00:40:19+00:00

Camino desde casa

Al igual que muchos de ustedes en todos los lugares del mundo, yo tenía un billete de avión para viajar a España el mes próximo, de vuelta al Camino de Santiago. Si has recorrido esta ancestral ruta de peregrinación antes, probablemente estarás de acuerdo en que el Camino nos da lo que necesitamos, no precisamente [...]

Camino desde casa2023-04-19T00:40:02+00:00
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